Indian head massage (or Champissage) is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system and has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. It was originally practiced by women, to help nourish their hair roots, which in turn stimulated the blood flow to the scalp, resulting in their hair being kept in a beautiful condition. A range of herbs, spices and oils with known healing properties were used in this process, which gave the added benefit of relieving many common scalp conditions. Champissage, means head massage and comes from the Hindi term “champi,” from which the English word “shampoo” is derived. This is due to a man named Narendra Mehta. who grew up in an Indian community where Champi was an important part of life.
He trained as a physiotherapist in England in the 1970’s. and later returned to India where he studied the many benefits and practice of Champi. Mehta then started to include the neck, shoulders and face to the massage and used his knowledge of shiatsu and acupressure to relax, restore and revitalise the bodies energy. In recent times, Indian Head massage has become more popular in Australia and is practiced i by therapists, clinics & also by hairdressers. It is an ideal therapy (fully clothed ) which can be performed in most places provided you have a chair & a pair of hands. The 30 – 45-minute treatment works on the head, upper back, neck, shoulder, arms, face & ears finishing with energy healing If a person is feeling physically or emotionally stressed, angry or suffering anxiety this can often accumulate in the neck and shoulders resulting in stiff muscles, headaches and even migraines. People who spend many hours at a computer or drive long distances can find many benefits from an Indian Head Massage.
Benefits can include:
- Helps relieve muscle tension & may provide immediate pain relief particularly in the neck and shoulders
- Scalp becomes more flexible
- Reduction in eyestrain
- Relief from tension Headaches
- Reduced Insomnia & better sleep patterns
- Promotion of hair growth
- Improved & higher Level of concentration
- Relief from emotional & mental stress
- Sense of calm, peace & tranquility
Physical Benefits
A regular Indian Head Massage will significantly improve and lessen the severity & frequency of the following conditions:
- Migraines
- Sinusitis
- Tinnitus (a ringing, buzzing noise in the ears)
- TMJ (Temporo-mandibular joint) caused by grinding and clenching the teeth.